November 2014 Keeping it Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

November is a good month for giving thanks and reflection — and working hard too.
Customers: thanks for the ongoing support and involvement in the direction of our products.
Developers: truly the greatest asset we have is our network of expert SocialEngine developers. We look forward to launching a new site to help better feature and highlight your organizations and the work you’ve accomplished.
SocialEngine Team: it’s great to work with a  group of motivated professionals where no one on the team questions the dedication and effort each person is putting into making this a better company and giving our customers a better experience.

Getting to Goal

Getting to Goal

Photo is a picture of a summit outside of Boulder, Colorado. Signifying the pursuit of our goal to launch the new site and get our product updates cranking.
Here’s a recap of what we focused on in November.
Product Roadmaps: An amazing amount of effort went into all of our roadmaps (PHP, Cloud, Marketplace) we can’t wait to share and refine them with our community.
New Website: Great progress on the new site and we expect a beta release soon. As part of the effort we’re creating a ton of new content. Gotta make the site, support and blog match so new skin for the blog and support is in progress.
New PHP Demo: We finalized the content for our new PHP demo. We’re expecting to take this live soon. It will be great to have a demo highlighting all the aspects of the most recent version of PHP.
Gamification: Working on new gamification option for SocialEngine Cloud customers.
Support: Leveraging our new support platform, we posted our first SocialEngine Cloud support article Setting up a Custom Domain.
SocialEngine PHP: Addressed PayPal SSL 3 deprecation
SocialEngine Cloud: As always we post our release notes on SocialEngine Cloud updates on our SocialEngine Customer Community. Here’s November Release Notes.
In December we’ll be focused on:
Marketplace: Finalize payout integration with Tipalti.
Website: Beta release. We will be reaching out to our developers soon to populate the experts area of the new site.
SocialEngine Cloud: Social sign in updates to cloud platform and responsive updates.
Affiliate Program: We will be officially shuttering the home-grown affiliate platform. Final payouts will be made to any qualifying affiliate.
Gamification: Finalizing a gamification solution for SocialEngine Cloud.
Looking forward to a December to remember.
Cheers, joy and goodwill to everyone this month.

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