May 2015 Keeping It Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

We couldn’t resist taking advantage of the beautiful weather on Mike’s birthday, so we had a successful disc golf outing. Play was so competitive, no one thought of snapping a photo. In the meantime enjoy a picture of a bunch of discs:
Here’s what we focused on and accomplished in May:
SocialEngine Cloud
Cloud received over 10 updates this month. We have an internal versioning system that hit 10 releases for the first time! You can always view the entire list on the SocialEngine Founder’s Community. Here are a few highlights:

  • RSS updates
  • Searchable dropdowns if there are a lot of items
  • Facebook invites are back
  • YouTube link previews
  • Bandcamp scraping
  • Substantial amount of bug fixes
  • Switched to monthly billing instead of quarterly (active starting now)

SocialEngine PHP
Work on the 4.8.9 release was a focus for the month.

  • Finishing touches put on the roadmap
  • Conversations with PHPfox community of developers about an import script
  • Outlined and began work on fixing Ning importer thanks to feedback from Ning community

We’ve taken the first steps in organizing ourselves internally to create a Customer Success Team here at SocialEngine. Beyond customer and technical support, our Customer Success efforts will include developer relations, internal and external community participation, and client on-boarding support. In addition, this team will be creating and updating knowledge base content to make sure we keep our product documentation updated and relevant. Our intent is to provide a heightened level of personalization and interaction with our third-party developers as well as current and prospective clients.

  • Marcus has stepped into a role of Customer Success Manager
  • Starting to utilize a new marketing email provider, MailChimp
  • Cloud pricing changed from quarterly to monthly billing, making it easier financially for new customers to on-board

What’s Happening in June

  • PHP 4.8.9 release will include permanent fixes for Facebook, YouTube integration,  and an improved Ning importer
  • Release of the PHP product roadmap
  • 3rd Party developer to offer PHPfox importer
  • More knowledge base articles and developer outreach by Customer Success Team
  • Comment editing and comment attachments in Cloud

Thanks for your continued support of SocialEngine.
If you are interested in building a custom branded community, please contact us at
With appreciation,

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