June 2014 SocialEngine Keep it Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

Short Recap of June

  • Mike is back and we are all glad to have him brewing up his magic again
  • …and because Mike was out Stepan didn’t do jack but work and sleep. I did see he was slightly sunburned so maybe he actually did something outside this weekend, but he won’t tell us
  • Jason went camping in South Park, Colorado – yes that South Park. No sightings of Stan, Kyle, Eric or Kenny though. Everyone was disappointed. Next trip — Springfield
  • For Kyle (our Kyle) here’s a link to his favorite sub-reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/starwars
  • James visited the Northwoods of Wisconsin and Minnesota and still smells like Deep Woods Off

SocialEngine PHP 4.8.5
We released 4.8.5 and a bugfix that was introduced in 4.8.5 (don’t ask about 4.8.4). The release brought the ability to upload videos on mobile and enabled uploading of photos from mobile as well.
Website Redesign
Work has begun on the redesign of our website. Two design meetings and a STORM Session so far have.  We have the flowchart set and ready for wireframing. Here’s the first artist sketch (kind of a new logo spoiler, but not really):

BTW, a STORM Session is when we get together after work during which we mix caffeine and alcohol, and we don’t leave the room until we’ve made all the decisions needed to move us forward. Typically we are very productive out of the gates with a rapid drop off in the early morning hours.
SocialEngine Cloud
We’ve released a few updates to Cloud cleaning up the last bits of instability we experienced at end of May.

What’s Ahead for July:


  • Continue work on the website redesign to bring a new marketplace for certified apps, improved branding, integrated customer service, updated knowledge base and fresh demos
  • Evaluation of support software. We’re looking at Desk.com and Freshdesk right now. Kyle is pulling for Desk.com

Marketplace (subset of the Website):

  • Send out SocialEngine Marketplace MVP messaging to our developer community so they know what to expect and when
  • Set up a simplistic form capture for developers to submit apps for certification
  • Finalize payment system for developers selling in the marketplace


  • Minor cloud updates
  • No planned PHP updates

…So Say We All

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