January 2015 Keeping it Rolling Update

SocialEngine - Community Software

Hey all, January was a great month. We are really beginning to see the infrastructure we’ve been putting in place begin to crank. Getting “the house in order” has been a constant over the past year. It’s something we are proud of, and know it will benefit everyone tremendously.
Here’s what our team accomplished in January:
Product Roadmaps
Overall: Our intent has always been to give our users a voice in the development priorities process. To do this we’ve been working with and testing several platforms and finally landed on using Ramen.Is as our platform. We thought we were going to have this launched, but the integration is taking a bit longer than expected and we are pushing hard for ASAP. Rest assured it is going to happen. We have our communications plan in place and ready to go.
Cloud Roadmap: It’s ready to roll out. We’re excited to bring this to all of our Cloud customers to provide feedback and be involved in the discussion. As we wait for the integration we’ll post a screen capture. This will not meet the needs of getting feedback and interacting, but it will show what we have in place.
PHP Roadmap: We are progressing well here to0. Our job has been whittling down all the “ideas” for PHP so not make the Roadmap a laundry list where it’s hard to have a discussion about.  Our upcoming PHP release is critical to our roadmap as it clears the way to discuss priority features and development efforts. The reality is PHP is far more fluid than Cloud as many of the decisions we’ll make depend on community feedback.

  • Brought on a dedicated product owner for SE PHP
  • Focused on PHP v4.8.7 — which we think this is our biggest update yet


  • Updates have included: member picklist in comments, better notification control for semi-private communities, mass assignment of categories. As always the full list is available on our community here
  • Released Cloud knowledge base articles: Setting Up a Custom Domain, Creating Categories, How to Enable Profile Photos
  • Finalized our work on Responsive Themes, I think you’re going to like them. Even though we like responsive, we know people worked to make their current sites look good, we got you covered with Legacy Themes.
  • Suspended reseller program.

February may be the shortest month, but it will be packed with releases: 

  • PHP 4.8.7 release first week
  • Notice of action for anyone who wishes to remain on Legacy Themes for Cloud
  • Roadmap release 2nd week
  • Cloud Responsive Themes – Feb 12th
  • Additional Cloud updates
  • Beta of the new site out this month

As always many thanks for your dedication to SocialEngine.
With appreciation,

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