Grand Opening! New SocialEngine Community

SocialEngine - Community Software

grand opening socialengine forum
Recently, we announced that we would be opening a new community based on our SocialEngine PHP software. We are pleased to announce that it’s open! Come check it out here!
As we mentioned we would not be importing users, please sign up at our new community. For clients and experts, please be sure to choose the right profile type and “subscription” in order to have access to the areas you will want access to. Note that all subscriptions are free. This was just to aid with spam fighting and with sorting members into the correct member levels. Trial clients can also choose the “client” type and subscription. It would be best if you all use the same email that you use for your account with us as we will be checking to make sure everyone is in the right member levels.
For those without a license, you can also have a place in our community provided you choose the “Regular” profile type and the “Regular” subscription type. Please read our terms before joining as we will remove any members that join in a level they do not belong in. This is to protect our clients’ and experts’ privacy. If you accidentally joined in the wrong type, please contact us to fix your account.
This new forum will be used for issue reports and feature requests as mentioned in the previous blog. We will close out the public Github issue tracker once we release 4.9.3 when it’s ready soon. We’ll keep the Github feature section open for now as there are a lot of current feature requests, but please submit new feature requests in the new community.
It is our goal to have a vibrant and close community where everyone feels comfortable contributing and interacting. Please feel free to contact Donna, our Chief Evangelist, at the new community if you have any concerns. Our other staff is also available for questions but may not be on as often as she is.
With Appreciation,
The SocialEngine Team and Mascot

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