SocialEngine - Community Software

Welcome Donna!

Greetings all! We have some exciting news for everyone. We’d like you all to join us in welcoming the newest member of our team, Donna Bryant. Donna will be joining SocialEngine as our Chief Evangelist and we couldn’t be more excited. Keep an eye out on the blog and in the founder’s community and say…

SocialEngine - Community Software

How Interest-Based Communities Help Those with Social Anxiety

With social anxiety being the number one disorder troubling today’s society, it is only natural that we collectively look for effective solutions. Fortunately, one solution, the beginning of a path to healthy interaction, is profoundly simple: interest-based communities offer a natural solution on several fronts. First let’s look at some of the fears that keep…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Branded Communities: Who, What, Why, When, & Where

Branding your community takes it to the next level. First, it benefits those in the community by requiring them to clearly identify ideology, methodology, foundations, and goals. Second, it creates a natural and effective way to reach out to others, resulting in growth in numbers and maturity of purpose. So let’s explore five essential aspects…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Crowdfunding: Beyond Fundraising

From traditional fundraising and peer-to-peer loans to the emerging models of consumer-to-business and marketplace loans, the potential of crowdfunding is seemingly limitless. A Needs Business Crowdfunding can be thought of, simply, as the process of pooling funds together to support a cause, creative project or even a product. While this idea is not new it…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Relationships and the 6 "R's": the Foundation and Keys for Community Management

People are the foundation of and the reason for community, so how better to grow yours than by reaching out to new people and strengthening involvement with member you already have? Capitalizing on both well-established and new relationships lays a strong foundation for future growth. And incorporating the following six important “R’s” into your growth…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Five Steps to a Successful Branded Community

Companies wishing to create a community bond between themselves and their consumers should consider branding their businesses online. A branded community is marketing focused on nurturing the attachment a customer can experience towards a product or brand. Below are steps to ensure building a successful branded community. Don’t look at your branded community as a marketing strategy, but…

SocialEngine - Community Software

The Benefits of Interest-based Communities

Communities have always existed. Since humanity first began communities were called tribes, which were a group of individuals banning together against the elements. People in these nomadic groups then created their own religions, cultures, and ideals in order to form a sense of belonging as well as structure. In today’s high tech world we look…

SocialEngine - Community Software

The Importance of Interest-Based Communities

It is hard to deny the impact that social media has had on the world. It has changed the way that people connect with friends, co-workers, and celebrities. It has also brought attention to several social issues and changed the way legal systems function on a domestic and international level.   However, there are flaws…