Announcing the FREE phpFox Importer!

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine Importer for phpFox
Hi everyone! We’ve got some exciting news!
We know that changing platforms can be a stressful time. The decision to change to the award winning SocialEngine platform shouldn’t be. It should be an exciting time inspired by all the new possibilities. As such, we decided to release a FREE phpFox to SocialEngine importer!
Our dedication to excellence is our highest priority, so when developing our phpFox Importer we decided the best way to build it is to utilize phpFox insiders. We worked with two of the best former phpFox staff members, Raymond Benc and Donna Bryant, to bring you the easiest and most complete phpFox importer on the market. The importer was built by Raymond, founder of the phpFox platform and currently one of our Lead Developers while Donna (data66), well known in the phpFox community and our Chief Evangelist, helped with testing.
This importer works on either V3 or V4 versions of the phpFox platform and works with standard core modules. Should you need to add custom modules, feel free to either add them yourself or ask an Expert in our SocialEngine Marketplace.
We would like to welcome you to the family and thank you for choosing SocialEngine to power your community! As an extra bonus, click the link above for the phpFox to SocialEngine importer to learn how to get 10% off your purchase of a SocialEngine license!
A shout out to SocialEngineAddOns as they graciously donated the code base for the new importer which our in-house experts worked on.
The SocialEngine Team

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