SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine v3.13, Trial Updated

SocialEngine 3.13 has been released to address a few minor bugs: -Issue with the tabs on the profile (header.php) -Media in the action feed not being inserted when tagging (include/class_actions.php) -User verification issues with signup (include/class_user.php) -Profile search not returning results (include/functions_general.php) -“More …” showing up when no plugin tabs were set to be shown…

SocialEngine - Community Software

v3 Album Plugin

Finally! We are just about done upgrading the album plugin! Before we release it, I’d love it if you could give it a spin and report any bugs in the comments so that I can fix them before release. Things that are different in this plugin to look for: 1. Photo Tagging! 2. The ability…