SocialEngine - Community Software

SE 4.1.2 Released

Version 4.1.2 is now available for download in the client area as promised! If you’re running any third-party addons/mods, please check with the developers to make sure that their mods are compatible with the new version. Additionally, don’t forget to take a full site backup before you upgrade, just in case you need to revert.If…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4.1.1 Released

We’re right on schedule! SocialEngine clients can now download the new SE 4.1.1 release from the client area. If you’ve got the SE 4.1.0 BETA installed (or an earlier version), we recommend that you upgrade to 4.1.1. If you’re on an earlier version with lots of customizations or third-party addons/mods, you’ll definitely want to check…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4.1 BETA Released with Membership Billing Features

Good news everyone. We’ve finished developing the SE 4.1 BETA – a major update that I know many of you have been awaiting eagerly. SE 4.1 introduces an interesting new way to help you monetize your community. We know that monetizing traffic on niche social websites can take some work, especially with advertising-based methods, so…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4.0.5 Released

The most recent version of SocialEngine is now available for download from the client area. It includes lots of enhancements and bug fixes, including major improvements to the package manager stability, fixes to the FTP file transfer system within the package manager, improved indexing of searchable content and much more. Please continue to report any…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Tutorial: Adding your header/footer

Everyone, We know that giving your community a unique look is an absolute priority. We built the Layout Editor in SocialEngine 4 to make this easy. Still, we’re getting a lot of questions about how this can be done, so we wrote a tutorial to help guide anyone with questions about it. I hope this…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Installing Google Analytics

Hi everyone, We’ve been getting a lot of questions about Google Analytics, namely how it can be easily installed on a SocialEngine website. I’ve created a knowledgebase article with specific instructions for those of you that would like to do this. The article should also give you some ideas on how to use SE4’s Layout…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4.0.4 Released

SocialEngine 4.0.4 has been released and is now available for download from the client area. This upgrade includes many bug fixes, enhanced RTL (Right-to-Left) support and fixes for translation issues so we highly recommend upgrading. If you’re interested in the changelog for any release, you can find it in the upgrade package (tar file) contained…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Migration Script

We’re happy to announce the release of the SocialEngine 3 to 4 migration script, now available for download. There are some important notes in the instructions so please read carefully. The migration script is relatively simple to run and instructions are included. If you’d prefer to have the service performed for you, there are two…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Ning Importer Now Available

Notice: In July, 2015, we had a major upgrade to the Ning Importer. Visit KB article here.We’ve just released a Ning import script to make it easy for site owners to migrate over to SocialEngine. The import tool requires a fresh installation of SocialEngine 4 (without any content) and is designed to work with the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4.0.1

SocialEngine version 4.0.1 is now available for download from the client area. We highly recommend updating, it includes a huge batch of bug fixes addressing many commonly reported issues. To upgrade, just download the package from the client area and use the built in package manager. You can find a complete changelog included in the…