SocialEngine - Community Software

How to Manage User Frustrations in Online Communities

When you build a successful online community, there will be a few roadblocks. One ongoing issue to prepare for is user frustrations within your community. When users find bugs, glitches, or missing features, they are quick to point fingers and demand solutions. As long as you’re on top of your communications, you can reassure community…

Leverage Online Communities to Enhance Crowdfunding Q&A

Try SocialEngine for Two weeks free, visit Crowdfunding Plugin. Most popular crowd funding sites, including Kickstarter, Gofundme, indiegogo and Crowdrise offer a variety of tools to engage your audience.  These include the ability to describe your campaign with words, visuals, videos and, of course, rewards. A Community Platform Makes It Easier to Answer Common Questions…

Communities Increase Your Odds of Crowdfunding Success

There are several ways online community can increase the money you raise with crowdfunding: Lots of people jump into crowd funding just assuming that they have the right idea and network to get to their funding goal easily.  The truth, according to a PC World article (The Crowdfunding Caveat: Most Campaigns Fail) and statistics from…