SocialEngine - Community Software

Version 4.1.3 Released!

In keeping with our new once-a-month release cycle, version 4.1.3 is now available in the client area. Here’s a list of a few of the bug fixes and features included: Networks: Network titles can now be translated, admins can now list network members, auto-join networks can now have multiple profile values associated Friendships: One-way friendships…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Information

We’ve developed SE4 with the primary goals of improving SE3’s customizability and extensibility. SE4 will not only be a turnkey white-label social network, but also a broadly-applicable social content platform in its own right. The platform will be designed with a high level of modularity so that third-party plugins, skins, and other custom scripts can…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Quick note about language vars

A note to all your developers who are making your plugins compatible with SE: The language variables have a numbering scheme that I wanted to share with you – to begin with, the platform reserves all the variables from 1-1,000,000. Though there are substantially fewer language variables than that in the platform (less than 1200,…

SocialEngine - Community Software

"My Network" page

So as we are winding down on v3 development in the next week or so, we have finally come to the “My Network” page that so many of you have requested. I may have asked this before, but I have been very focused on other features in the last handful of weeks, so bear with…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 1.5 Released, Subnetworks Explained

Charlotte and I are excited to announce the release of SocialEngine 1.5. For those of you running into trouble with subnetworks, your salvation is here. We’ve simplified the subnetworks admin area and fixed the logic so that users are now properly sorted depending on their profile information. So how do subnetworks work anyway? Subnetworks are…