SocialEngine - Community Software

Tips and Tutorials: Available Blocks Placement

SocialEngine customization begins with the layout of your site. Edit the layout from the Admin Panel to control how members interact with content. Over one hundred blocks are available for you to drag on drop directly on the page you desire to really make your community unique for you and your members.

SocialEngine - Community Software

Future Features

Now that v4.1.1 is out the door, we’d like to share a glimpse of what’s to come. We are planning to release v4.1.2 on February 16th. This release will primarily consist of bug fixes and very minor feature additions. Over the next few months, we will be working on the following major features: – Better…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Tutorial: Adding your header/footer

Everyone, We know that giving your community a unique look is an absolute priority. We built the Layout Editor in SocialEngine 4 to make this easy. Still, we’re getting a lot of questions about how this can be done, so we wrote a tutorial to help guide anyone with questions about it. I hope this…