SocialEngine - Community Software

SE4 Beta Release

Good news! SocialEngine 4 Public Beta has been released. If you’re a current client, you’ll find the download links are now available from the client area in a big conspicuous yellow box. The installation instructions are contained in the zip files, along with some other helpful information to get you started. Keep in mind that…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE4 Public Beta, Ning Import Script

The SocialEngine 4 public beta has been set for release May 12, or in about 2 weeks. The release will be available to all SocialEngine clients and anyone is welcome to help test the new platform at that point. This will also give developers a chance to familiarize themselves with the new codebase as we…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SE4 Private Alpha Released

We’re happy to announce the release of SocialEngine 4 alpha to a select group of developers and testers. This will provide developers with a head start in upgrading their mods, as well as providing thorough testing of the script before the beta release. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support,…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Prerelease Discount!

In light of the upcoming SocialEngine 4 release, we’re happy to announce a week long $30 discount on the purchase of a SocialEngine license. Those of you who have been with us for a while know that we don’t run discounts very often, so we encourage you to take advantage of the savings all this…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine and Resellers

We’ve had several emails lately inquiring whether a particular company is an official reseller of ours or whether it’s legal to purchase a license from other third party locations. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that our website,, is the only legitimate and legal source of SocialEngine licenses. Any other venue…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 3.20 Released, SE4 Update

SocialEngine version 3.20 was released recently to address several important issues. Please refer to the changelog for a full listing, but the patches include: – Fixed input filter to allow for advanced features in FCKeditor – Fixed several PHP 4 compatibility issues introduced in the last release – Fixed a logout bug related to the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Preview

After a slight delay (and a lot of pizza), we’re happy to announce the preliminary client-only release of the SocialEngine 4 preview: To access the preview website, please use your license key and password when prompted. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in testing the core; please use the built-in contact form to notify…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Announcement

We have an exciting announcement to make: SocialEngine 4 will be offered free of charge to all SocialEngine 3 clients. We’ve been thrilled with the response from the announcement of SocialEngine 4. However we know many of you were debating whether to purchase the current version or wait for SocialEngine 4 so we’ve made the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Information

We’ve developed SE4 with the primary goals of improving SE3’s customizability and extensibility. SE4 will not only be a turnkey white-label social network, but also a broadly-applicable social content platform in its own right. The platform will be designed with a high level of modularity so that third-party plugins, skins, and other custom scripts can…

SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine 4 Announced

The SocialEngine team has been carefully planning the upcoming version of SocialEngine, SE4, since April. With planning now nearly complete and development already underway, we aim to roll out SE4 by early winter. This new version will involve a complete rewrite of the platform itself, leveraging the Zend framework to make it almost perfectly modular…