Celebrating Ning and PHPfox Import Scripts with 10 Days of 10% Off SocialEngine Self-Hosted

Over the past couple of months SocialEngine has made available importer scripts for Ning 2.0 and PHPfox. In celebration for the first 10 days of October (Oct 1 – 10) we are offering 10% off your purchase of SocialEngine Self-Hosted. Use code “SocialEnginePHP10” at checkout to SAVE 10%. The Ning and PHPfox scripts have been widely applauded from the…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Wanted: Import Scripts, Plus New Tutorials for Developers

To our utmost delight, we’ve been seeing lots of requests from people who have existing communities but want to switch to SE. Based on the volume of these requests, we know that there’s a real market opportunity for some third-party developers to produce and sell these import scripts. Make sure to let us know if…