SocialEngine - Community Software

SocialEngine PHP 4.9.0 and Third Party Products

Hello! Well, we’ve had an exciting time with our release of SocialEngine PHP 4.9. While many have been able to smoothly upgrade without any issue, we have had some customers facing issues with third party plugins during the upgrade. We want to take a couple minutes to help offer some advice in this realm to help…

SocialEngine - Community Software

How To Create an Online Community

So you want to create a social network, and you want it to be vibrant. What are some things you can do to make sure you’re successful? First, you have to accept that humans are tricky things. You can’t write a formula for how to grow a community, or at least if you can, I’ve…

SocialEngine - Community Software

Prerelease Discount!

In light of the upcoming SocialEngine 4 release, we’re happy to announce a week long $30 discount on the purchase of a SocialEngine license. Those of you who have been with us for a while know that we don’t run discounts very often, so we encourage you to take advantage of the savings all this…