SocialEngine - Community Software

Tips and Tutorials: Selecting a Server for your Community

So you’re ready to create a social networking community with SocialEngine. To start, you need a server. Already have one? Great! Don’t have one? No sweat. It’s as simple as signing up with a company like Arvixe who offers optimized servers configured for SocialEngine. Arvixe is not your only option either. Really, any server that…

SocialEngine - Community Software looking for a SocialEngine expert

Our hosting partner, Arvixe, who hosts countless SocialEngine clients and has long supported our client community, is looking for a “SocialEngine Liaison”. This person would help Arvixe build SocialEngine-related materials, communicate with other SE clients, help educate Arvixe’s support staff with new issues, etc. Arvixe is looking to pay this person $250 US per month…