SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.6 Released

SocialEngine - Community Software

We’re glad to announce the release of SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.6! This release is mainly focused on significant bug fixes and implementation of anti-spamming technique for Login and Signup. Here is a quick summary of features and bug fixes that have been included in this SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.6 Release:


  • Added some reliable anti-spamming techniques; you will be able to enable them from Admin > Settings > Spam & Banning Tools. Fixes #2542.


  • Fixed bug with Re-Captcha when SSL is enabled
  • Corrected order of forum posts added by Ning Importer. Fixes #2505.
  • Fixed bug with adding link to a wall post where image selector was not being displayed.
  • Background Mailer Task will run better now and not hang. Fixes #2476.
  • Fixed bug where the respective profile field column in field search table was not getting deleted after the deletion of a profile field. Fixes #2437.
  • Fixed social network mapping issue when multiple social networks are chosen during signup.
  • Fixed bug with menu editor where any custom menu added to Member Edit Profile Navigation was redirecting to Browse Members page.
  • Fixed an error showing in the log that would be generated when changing the order of photos in an album
  • Fixed bug where bullets added via TinyMCE Editor were not being displayed in blogs.
  • Fixed a bug in discussions under Events and Groups where page UI was getting affected in certain cases because of HTML tags not closing after truncation.

A note on upgrading

Please do a complete backup of both the files and the database before initiating upgrade. If you have opened a support ticket and were given a code change that was applied to some of your files, take extra care to ensure that those are still correctly applied, or contact support and we’ll be able to re-apply them. Please get a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself. We do have an upgrade service available for $150 which you can purchase from our Client Store.


SocialEngine clients can grab the new SocialEngine Self-Hosted 4.8.6 code from their client area.
We’ve also updated Photo Albums, Blogs, Events and Groups plugins to 4.8.6.


This release included 3 fixes and a new feature that were reported by our amazing community. You can always submit any feature requests or bug reports for SocialEngine Self-Hosted to our public bugs and suggestions tracker.

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